SWAN 2nd International Conference Held in Chandigarh

International Conference on ‘Cooperative Development, Peace and Security: Women Guiding the Destiny of South Asia’ –
i) Media Perspective by Women Journalists and
ii) Women as Partners in Development  – March 13-15, 2010, held at CRRID, Chandigarh

South Asia Womens Networks, South Asia Foundation,SWAN Group Photograph- Second SWAN International Conference Held In Chandigarh, Prof Veena Sikri, Sunil Kumar Binjola, SAF India
SWAN Group Photograph- Second SWAN International Conference Held In Chandigarh

Organized by CRRID (Centre for Research in Rural and Industrial Development, Chandigarh) in partnership with Jamia Millia Islamia University (South Asia Women’s Network) With the Support of the Ministry of External Affairs (Public Diplomacy Division), Government of India, New Delhi



The South Asian Women’s Conference in Chandigarh from 13-15 March 2010, organized by CRRID (Centre for Research on Rural and Industrial Development) in partnership with Jamia Millia Islamia was, for several participants, the second in the series that began with the Conference on “Women of South Asia : Partners in Development” held at Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi on 30-31 March 2009.

The Conference Agenda and Programme is at Annexure I. The List of Participants is at Annexure II. 

The networking and interaction among the women of South Asia that was initiated at the Delhi Conference continued in full force at the Chandigarh Conference. This happened in three ways :

  • Plenary meetings of the Group on “Women as Partners in Development”. All the participants from South Asia and most of the participants from India participated in the three Plenary meetings that were held at the venue of the Conference, at CRRID. The first of these was held from 1000 hours to 1200 hours on Monday 13th March 2010. The second Plenary was held from 0900 hours to 1000 hours at CRRID on Tuesday 14th March 2010. The third Plenary was held from 1400 hours to1500 hours on Tuesday 14th March 2010. These three Plenary meetings were chaired by Professor Veena Sikri, Convener of the Conference on “Women of South Asia : Partners in Development”.

Professor Veena Sikri presented details of the follow-up activities and progress that had taken place pursuant to the Delhi Conference of March 2009.

  • Meetings of the South Asian Women’s Networks, now designated as SWANs. Seven SWANs had been formed at the Delhi Conference held at Jamia Millia Islamia in March 2009. The eighth SWAN, on Women in Media, was established at the Chandigarh Conference. The SWAN meetings were chaired by the Coordinators of the respective networks. A vital eighth network was added on Women in Media. The SWANs will facilitate the coming together of women working in similar areas across South Asia through networking with counterpart individuals and institutions in other countries. Through these Networks they could share experiences, learn from each other, identify best practices, and work towards issue-based collaboration across South Asia based on agreed plans of action. Women would work with their peers in their own sectors, and simultaneously reach out to other networks in an interactive way in order to achieve maximum results with minimum resources.
  • Presentation of papers in the Plenary Sessions of the Conference on “Cooperative Development, Peace and Security : Women Guiding the Destiny of South Asia”. The names of the presenters and the themes of their papers are contained in the Conference Agenda and Programme at Annexure I. The discussions and exchange of views on these papers provided valuable focus, facilitating decisions on the Conference outcomes.

The Conference noted positively and with satisfaction the follow-up activities that have taken place since the Inaugural (First) SWAN Conference in New Delhi In March 2009, as follows :

  • The South Asian Women’s Network on Education has had a very successful follow-up Workshop Meeting in Lahore, Pakistan in August 2009. Gender analyses of National Curricular Frameworks of India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal is already underway. Interweaving crafts and curricula is being planned by AHAN (Aik Hunar Aik Nagar), Sindh.
  •    A Gender Mainstreaming Conference is planned in Colombo in 2010.
  • The South Asian Women’s Network on Crafts and Textiles convened a hugely popular and successful 10 day event at Dilli Haat with the participation of South Asian Craftswomen from Afghanistan, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka (29th December 2009 to 7th January 2010). This was organized by the Dastkari Haat Samiti.
  • The South Asian Women’s Network on Women in Peacemaking has started work on the draft South Asian Peace Charter. This Preambular portion of this draft Charter was circulated and discussed at the Chandigarh
  • The South Asian Women’s Network on Health will deliberate on promoting gender equality and women’s health from a human rights framework, focusing on a wide range of Women’s Health concerns and issues, including, but not limited to, nutrition, mental health, aging, reproductive health, gender differences in disease presentation and treatment across SAARC countries.
  • The South Asian Women’s Network on Arts and Literature is organising the South Asian Women’s Theatre Festival in March 2010 in collaboration with ICCR and the National School of Drama (New Delhi). LEELA was inaugurated in New Delhi on 8th March 2010, the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day. Fourteen plays dealing with women’s issues, one each from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka and six from India are being presented in Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai and Chandigarh. The plays are receiving critical and popular acclaim. All participants in the Chandigarh Conference greatly appreciated the excellent theatre from Karachi, “Ab Jang Nahi Hogi” that was presented in Chandigarh during the Conference.

The principal Conference outcomes for Women as Partners in Development are :

  • Evolving a goal-based Plan of Action with specific projects for Gender Empowerment in South Asia;
  • The South Asia Women’s Network (SWAN) will focus on developing institutional linkages so that the individual SWANs can function as Networks of Excellence for gender empowerment in South Asia;
  • Each Network would function within its defined objectives and targets. This would include identifying which negative practices need to be discouraged and which best practices would be adopted by each network;
  • Assessing the presently used global indices for measuring gender parity and gender equality. The Human Development Index (HDI) has been criticized for focusing exclusively on the provision of material amenities for bringing about human development. The Gender Parity Index (GPI), the socioeconomic index used by UNESCO measures just one parameter, the relative access to education of males and females. The Gender Related Development Index (GDI), one of the five indicators used by the UNDP in its annual Human Development Report, measures the inequalities between men and women in the areas of health and longevity, knowledge and standard of living. The Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM), another one of the five indicators used by the UNDP, measures inequalities in three areas : political participation, economic participation and power over economic resources. Each of these indices has its own drawbacks. For example the GEM does not take into account the participation of women in local self-governance institutions like panchayati raj.
  • SWAN will consider evolving its own South Asia Gender Index. An important path-finder in this regard is the concept of Gross National Happiness (GNH) introduced in 1972 by Bhutan’s former King Jigme Singye Wangchuk. The four pillars of GNH are the promotion of sustainable development, preservation and promotion of cultural values, conservation of the natural environment, and establishmet of good governance. SWAN will consider factoring gender issues into these ‘pillars’ in order to arrive at the South Asia Gender Index.

Jamia Millia Islamia University (SWAN) greatly values its partnership and collaboration with CRRID for the Chandigarh Conference and deeply appreciates the support of the Ministry of External Affairs (Public Diplomacy Division) for this event.


March 13, 2010

1115–1200 hrs


1200 – 1330 hrs

Registration and Tea


Inaugural Session


Chairman:  Shri Salman Haidar, Former Foreign Secretary of India and Principal Program  Adviser,

                   CRRID, Chandigarh, India


  • Welcome by Dr. Rashpal Malhotra, Executive Vice Chairman, CRRID, Chandigarh, India
  • Introductory Remarks by Former Ambassador P.S. Sahai, Principal Adviser, CRRID, Chandigarh, India


  • Introductory Remarks by Prof. Veena Sikri, Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi, India
  • Introductory Remarks by Shri Navdeep Suri, Joint Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs, India
  • Keynote  Address by Shri H.K. Dua, Editor-in-Chief, The Tribune and Member, Rajya Sabha, India



1330 – 1430 hrs Lunch  – Venue: CRRID Campus



1430 – 1600 hrs Session I :  Media as Bridge Builder


Chairpersons:  Mr. Tahir Malik (Pakistan) and Ms. Nandini Sahai (India)


1.  Images, Media and Foreign Policy,

     Amb. (Retd.) P.S. Sahai (India)


2.  Women as Journalists: Could they help in changing mindset in building bridges of friendship? 

     Ms. Farah Warraich (Pakistan)


3.  Women Journalists: Could they help changing Mindsets?

     Ms. Mariyam Suhana (Maldives)


4.  The Media: Rebuilding Broken Bridges

     Ms. Qundeel Sadiq  (Pakistan)


5.  Pakistani Women Journalists: Breaking Stereotyped Barriers and Bridging Communication Gaps in

     South Asia.

     Ms. Uzma Aleem (Pakistan)     

1600-1630 hrs Tea/Coffee
1630 – 1800 hrs Session II:  Women as Agents of Social Change


Chairpersons: Ms. Jaya Jaitley (India) and Ms. Sima Samar (Afghanistan)


1.   Women as Leaders of Grassroot Communities in Bangladesh

      Dr. Rasheeda Choudhury (Bangladesh)


2.   Mediating Change: Women as Source, Message and Receiver  

      Dr. Mohanmeet Khosla  (India)


3.   Women: Economic Contribution remains Unrecognized

      Ms. Shaheen Anam (Bangladesh)


4.   Status of Women in Bhutan

      Ms. Sonam Pelden (Bhutan)


5.  Gender Justice and Health

     Dr. Mira Shiva (India)



March 14, 2010

1000 – 1130 hrs Session III:  Women As Builder  of Peace, Stability and Pluralistic Society


Chairpersons:  Mr. Ponna Wignaraja (Sri Lanka) and Ms. Niaz Zaman (Bangladesh)


1.  Building Bridges Through Crafts

     Ms. Jaya Jaitley (India)


2.  How can Pakistani Women Journalists help in Building Peace in the Region

     Mr. Tahir Malik (Pakistan) 


3.  Women Communicating Alternatives

     Ms. Razia Ismail Abbasi (India)


4.  Women’s Situation in Peace Building in Nepal

     Ms. Maya Benu Gurung (Nepal)


5.  South Asia Media Network – Voice to the Voiceless

     Ms. Nandini Sahai (India)


6.  Livelihood Issues Among Marginalized Women

     Megha Desai  (India) 

1130 – 1200 hrs Tea/Coffee
1200–1330 hrs.  Session IV : Women Empowerment in South Asia Through Networking


Chairpersons:  Prof. Veena Sikri (India) and Ms. Reejuta Sharma (Nepal)


1.  Women as Bridge Builders in Primary Education

     Ms. Anita Rastogi (India)


2.  Female Journalists Guiding and Encouraging Empowerment

     Ms. Zoya Tariq (Pakistan)


3.  Empowerment of Women: A SAARC Perspective

     Ms. Momina Malik (Pakistan)


4.  Gender Mainstreaming in High Education

     Dr. M. Wickramasinghe (Sri Lanka)


5.  Empowerment of Poor Women in South Asia: Towards Economic Democracy with Sustainable   

     Pro-Poor Growth, Dignity and Decent Work

     Mr. Ponna Wignaraja (Sri Lanka)


6.   Afghan Women’s Empowerment, Afghanistan

      Dr. Massouda Jalal (Afghanistan)

1330 – 1430 hrs Lunch  – Venue: CRRID Campus
1500–1600 hrs. Special Session:


Address by Hon’ble Mrs. Praneet Kaur, Minister of State for External Affairs, India

1600–1630 hrs Tea/Coffee


March 15, 2010

0930-1100 hrs Session V : Women as Entrepreneurs


Chairpersons:  Amb. (Retd.) Paramjit Sahai (India) and Ms. Aishath Aniya (Maldives)


1.  Alternative Education and Livelihood Handicrafts in Sindh (Pakistan)

     Professor Rehana Mughni (Pakistan)


2.  Peace and Security from the Women’s Perspective

     Dr. Selvy Thiruchandran (Sri Lanka)


3.  Women Entrepreneurs as Partners in Development

     Mr. Abdul Wassay Haqiqi (Afghanistan)


4.   Grameen Bank

      Dr. B.N. Kulkarni (India)


5.  Microfinance in India

     Ms. Carol Furtado (India)


6.  Corporate Social Responsibility, Women Guiding the Climate Sustainability in South Asia

     Mr. Uchita de Zoysa (Sri Lanka)

1100-1130 hrs Tea/Coffee
1130 – 1230 hrs Valedictory Session 


  • Remarks by Dr. Rashpal Malhotra, EVC, CRRID, Chandigarh, India


  • Shri Anantha Krishna, Director (PD), Ministry of External Affairs, India                            


  • Valedictory Address by Mr. M.J. Akbar, Editor, Sunday Guardian, New Delhi, India


1300 hrs Lunch  – Venue: CRRID Campus

March 13-15, 2010
List of Participants 
At Centre for Research in Rural and Industrial Development, Chandigarh (India)
List of Indian Participants

1.Hon’ble Shri Pawan Kumar Bansal
Union Minister for Parliamentary Affairs

2.Hon’ble Maharani Parneet Kaur
Minister of State for External Affairs

3.Ms. Sohaila Kapur
Theatre Director
5 Park Avenue, Maharani Bagh
New Delhi 110065
Tel. 011-23035349 (office)
Tel. 011-41628571 (res.)

4.Ms. Tarannum Siddiqi
Legal Expert (Research Associate)
Sarojini Naidu Centre for Women Studies
Jamia Millia Islamia
New Delhi
Tel 011-26987417 (off)
Mob. 09891519393

5.Dr. Sabiha Husain
Associate Professor
K.R. Narayanan Centre for
Dalit and Minority Studies
Jamia Millia Islamia
Tel 011-26987417 (off.)
Tel. 0120-4265216 (res.)

6.Ms. Sareeta Kumari
Vice President, All India Rajput Women Association
Rawla Post Office Ghanerao
Distt. Pali, Rajasthan
Tel. 02934-284035 (res.)

7.Ms. Razia Ismail Abbassi
Convenor, Women’s Coalition Trust & Transasia Alliance
7/37 B, Jangpura – B
New Delhi 110014
Tel.  011-24370959 (off.)
Fax: 011-24376025

8.Dr. Mira Shiva
Director, Initiative fof Health Equity Society
Diverse Women for Diversy, Naudania
A 60 Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016

9.Dr. Firdaus A. Siddiqi
Assistant Professor
Sarojini Naidu Centre for Women’s Studies
Jamia Millia Islamia
New Delhi
Fax: 011-26987417
Mob. 09810720568

10.Dr. Shilpi Kapur
Associate Fellow, The Energy and Resources Institute, (TERI)
Seth Block, Lodhi Road, IHC
New Delhi 110003
Tel. 011-24682100 (off.)
Fax. 011-24682144, Mob. 09910053404

11.Ms. Naimisha Joshi
Senior Coordinator for childcare
And children’s programmes
SEWA, Ahmadabad
Tel 25506444
Fax 25506446

12.Ms. Megha Desai
Senior Coordinator
SEWA, Sewa Reception Centre
Opp. Victor Garden, Badru, Ahmedabad
Tel. 9179-26575129 (off.)
Tel. 9179-26732885 (res.)

13.Dr. Anita Rastogi
Associate Professor
Department of Educational Studies
Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi  110025
Tel. 26981717, Extn 2112 (off.)
Tel. 011-22547556 (res.)

14.Dr. Jessy Abraham
Associate Professor
Institute of Advanced Studies in Education
(IASE), Jamia Millia Islamia
New Delhi
Tel. 011-26981717, Extn. 2142 (off.)
Tel. 011-22754752 (res.)
Fax. 011-26981717

15.Ms. Deepali
C-20, Press Enclave
New Delhi 110017
Tel. 011-26560033 (res.)

16.Ms. Carol Furtdo
Chief Operating Officer – South
Ujjivan Financial Services Pvt. Ltd.
93, Jakkasandra Extension, Sarjapur Main Cross Road
Koramangala, Bangalore 560034
Tel. 080-40712121 (off.)
Fax. 080-41468700
Mobl. 9845445650

17.Ms. Zareen Myles
Executive Director
Women’s Action for Development (WAFD)

Mobile +91-9868281915
18.Ms. Veena Sharma
Senior Coordinator
SEWA, Ahmedabad (Envt.)
Tel. 079-26574880 (off.)

19.Ms. Heenaben Patel
Senior Coordinator on trade
facilitation centres in South Asia, SEWA
Ahmedabad (C&T)
Tel. 079-22733324 (off.)
Fax. 079-22733122

20.Ms. Jaya Jaitly
Coordinator, South Asian Women’s
Network on Crafts and Textiles
Founder, President of Dastkari
Haat Samiti, New Delhi
Tel. 011-26852373 (off.)
Tel. 011-24616100 (res.)

21.Ms. Rekha Shankar
Member, Executive Committee
6/105, Kaushalya Park, Hauz Khas
New Delhi 110016
Tel. 26568373 (off.)
Tel. 0124-3062739 (res.)
Fax: 26852373

22.Ms. Nandini Sahai
Director, Media Information and Communication Centre of India (MICCI) and The International Centre, Goa (ICG)
Tel. 0832-2452813 (off.)
Mob. 09765404390

23.Ms. Nishat Zaidi
Associate Professor
Department of English, Jamia Millia Islamia
New Delhi 110025
Tel. 26981717 (off.)
Tel. 011-26674376 (res.)
Mobile: +91-98186-60112

24.Dr. Simi Malhotra
JMI Outreach Programme and
Associate Professor, Department of English
Jamia Millia Islamia
New Delhi 11025
Mob. 9818038281

25.Dr. B.N. Kulkarni
Grameen Trust India
203, B-Wing, Mkwara Ch Society, Sir. P.M. Road
Vileparle (E), Mumbai 4000057
Tel. 022-26185838 (off.)
Tel. 022-26185838 (res.)

26.Mr. Navdeep Suri
Joint Secretary, PD
Ministry of External Affairs,
Room 256, A Wing, Shastri Bhawan
New Delhi 110 011
Tel. 011-23070028 (off.)

27.Mr. Pankaj Dhiman
Staff Reporter, Dainik Jagran
Sector 8, Chandigarh
Mob. 9988978701
28.Ms. Usha Ganguli
Theatre Director
Rangakarmee Theatre, 200, Prina Anwar Shah Road
Kolkata, West Bengal
Ph. 24839705 (off.)
Ph. 24720574 (res.)

29.Prof. Mohanmeet Khosla
School of Communication Studies
Panjab University, Chandigarh
Ph. 0172-2541982 (off.)
Ph. 0172-2546726 (res.)
Fax. 0172-2541982
Mobile: 09872866660

30.Mr. Sanjeev Verma
Hindustan Times
Mob. 9646141890

31.Ms. Neelam Sharma
Principal Correspondent
The Indian Express
Mob. 9815501653

32.Ms. Kanwaljit Kaur Gill
207, Urban Estate, Phase I, Patiala
Department of Economics
Punjabi University, Patiala
Tel. 3046221 (off.)
Tel. 0175-2282857 (res.)

33.Ms. Neelam Man Singh
Deptt. of India Theatre
Panjab University,

34.Professor Veena Sikri
Conference on ‘Women of South Asia: Partners in Development’
Network on Arts and Literature.
Chair, Ford Foundation
(Bangladesh Studies Programme)
Third World Studies, Jamia Milia Islamia
New Delhi

35.Dr. Rosy Veid
State Training Coordinator
Government of Punjab
Mob. 9417039001

36.Ms. Shivani Bansal
Research Associate
New Delhi 110007
Mob. 9953229762

37.Ms. Vrinda Sharma
Staff Correspondent
The Hindu
# 770, Sector 12, Pkl.

38.Mr. T.N. Anantha Krishna
Director, PD
Ministry of External Affairs,
South Block
New Delhi 110 011
Ph. 011-23384986 (off.)
Fax. 23070326

39.Mr. Vijay Mohan
Principal Correspondent
The Tribune
Tel. 0172-2655066
40.Dr. Sucha Singh Gill
Department of Economics
Panjabi University
Ph. 0175-3046390 (off.)
Ph. 0175-2282857 (res.)

41.Mr. M J Akbar
Managing Editor
The Asian Age
S-7&8, Green Park
Main Market
New Delhi – 110 016

42.Mr. Ajay Jalandhari
Sr. press Photographer
Dainik Jagran
Mob. 9815544500

43.Shri Salman Haidar
A-3, Nizamudin East (1st Floor)
New Delhi 110013
44.Col. Subhash Bakshi
Visiting Fellow, CRRID
C 1/40, Sector 36
Noida 201 303

45.Dr. S K Mangal
Senior Advisor
46.Shri J P Gupta
Senior Advisor

47.Shri P S Sahai, Amb. (Retd.)
Senior Advisor

48.Shri H K Dua
Chief Editor
The Tribune Chandigarh

49.Prof. B L Abbi

50.Prof. P P Balan
CRRID, Chandigarh

51.Dr. Kuldip Kaur
CRRID, Chandigarh

52.Dr. A K Nanda
Professor –cum-Director
CRRID, Chandigarh

53.Dr. Krishan Chand
Associate Research Coordinator  
CRRID, Chandigarh

54.Sh. U. S Rangnekar
Associate Research Coordinator  
CRRID, Chandigarh

55.Dr. Kesar Singh
Associate Research Coordinator  
CRRID, Chandigarh

56.Dr. Rajesh K Aggarwal
Associate Research Coordinator  
CRRID, Chandigarh

57.Sh. Sunil Bansal
Associate Research Coordinator  
CRRID, Chandigarh

58.Sh. Sukhwinder Singh
Associate Research Coordinator  
CRRID, Chandigarh

59.Dr. Bindu Duggal
Associate Research Coordinator  
CRRID, Chandigarh

60.Sh. Manoj K Teotia
Sr. Research Fellow
CRRID, Chandigarh

61.Dr. Pawan K Sharma
Sr. Research Fellow
CRRID, Chandigarh

62.Ms. Suman Khosla
Editorial Research and Publication Officer
CRRID, Chandigarh

63.Ms. Meena Jatana
Deputy Librarian
CRRID, Chandigarh

64.Mr. Sanjay Gupta
Senior Programme
CRRID, Chandigarh

65.Dr. Monica Munjial
Sr. Research Fellow
CRRID, Chandigarh

66.Ms. Poonam Kaushik
Research Fellow
CRRID, Chandigarh

67.Dr. Shaik Iftikhar  Ahmad
Research Assistant
CRRID, Chandigarh

68.Mr. Sunil Agnihotri
Research Scholar
CRRID, Chandigarh

69.Dr. Manisha Bhatia
Research Scholar
70.Dr. Vijay Laxmi
Research Investigator
CRRID, Chandigarh

71.Mr. Sukhwinder Singh Randhawa
Assistant Librarian
CRRID, Chandigarh

List of Foreign Participants

1.Mrs. Farah Warraich
Chief News Editor
Daily Jang Lahore
Tel. 00 92 6288421 (off.)
Tel. 042-6669166 (res,)
Mobile 0300-4353976
Fax 042-6288418 

2.Ms. Sheema Kermani
Director/ Actor/ Dancer
Karachi Pakistan
Ph: 0333-2155736 (O)
Ph: 35851790 (R)

3.Mr. Tahir Javed Malik
Freelance Writer / Journalist
Ph. 36621244

4.Ms. Uzma Aleem
Assistant Editor (Mag. Section)
4 Shahray Fatima, Jinnah Lahore
Ph. 042111222087 (off.)
Ph. 00924237002688 (res.)

5.Ms. Tabinda Alkanz Jaffery
Asasah, House  2, berg, Gate 1, Canal View Society
Lahore, Pakistan
Ph. +92-300-8444968

6.Ms. Zoia Tariq
Editor ‘ZEST’
TV Anchor / Journalist
73-G, Model Town
Lahore Pakistan
Ph. 042-5165696 (off.)
Ph. 042-5168105 (res.)

7.Ms. Qundeel Sadiq
Producer (TV)
308, Eden canal Villas
Lahore, Pakistan
Tel. 00923009467138 (res.)

8.Ms. Momina Shahrukh Malik
Life Member SAARC Chamber
7 Nayab, Guard Rice
Ph. 03028440988 (res.)

9.Ms. Mariana Baabar
Diplomatic Editor, ‘The News’
27, A Harkey St. Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Ph. 0333-52-44012 (res.)

10.Ms. Ambareen Imran
Director, Asasah
2 Berg, Canal View Society, Lahore, Pakistan
Ph. 92-300-8484016 (off.)
Ph. 92-42-35884459 (res.

11.Mr. Shahrukh Malik
Life Member SAARC Chamber
Ph: 03008436235

12.Prof. Rehana Mughni
Programme Advisor
Sindh Education Foundation  
B17, Naval Housing Society,  Zamzama Clifton Karachi
Ph: 0302825703

13.Ms. Madeeha Gauhar
Artistic Director
24-B, Sarwar Road, Lahore Cantt
Ph: 009242-6682443 (O)
Fax: 009242-6665021

14.Dr. Ponna Wignaraja
Advisor, U.N.
South Asian Perspectives Network Association, SAPNA Centre
75, Kyesay Road
Colombo, Sri Lanka
Ph. 0094-11-2695625

15.Dr. Selvy Thiruchandran
Executive Director
58, Dharmarama Road
Colombo 6, Srilanka
Ph. 2596313 (off.)
Ph. 2370567 (res.)
Fax. 2596313,

16.Dr. Maithree Wickramasingh
Senior Lecturer
117, 5th Lane, Colombo 3 Srilanka
University of Kelanya, Department of English
Sri Lanka
Ph: 0094112573368 / 2573974

17.Mr. Uchita de Zoysa
Executive Director
Centre for Environment and Development
253/10, Stauley Thilakarathe
Mawatha, Nugegoda
Sri Lanka
Ph: +9411-2768459 (O)
Ph: +9144-2768459 (R)

18.Dr. Sima Samar
Chairperson of the Afghan
Independent Human Right Commission (AIHRC) and Deputy Chairman, Interim Afghan Government, Member of RAWA
Pule Surkh Karte See
Kabul, Afghanistan
Ph: +93-20-25-00-676
Ph: 0700276283

19.Ms Mina Sherzoy
Advisor to the Chief of Party
USAID Afghan Civil Service Support (ACSS)
Deloittee Consulting LLP
Kabul Afghanistan
Ph: +93797-111888 (R)

20.Dr. Massouda Jalal
Former Minister of Women Affairs Afghan Government  
Head of Jalal Foundation
House 8, Street 1, Kabul City
Ph: 0093799345387 (O)
Ph: 0093700292646 (R)

21.Mr. Abdul Wassay Haqiqi
The American University in Afghanistan
Post Box 548, Centyral Post Office
Darulaman Road, Kabul, Afghanistan
Ph: +93 (0) 700 283 007 (O)
Ph: +93799569007 (R)

22.Ms. Rasheda K Choudhury
Executive Director
Campaign for Popular Education (CAMPE)
5/14 HUmayun Road
Mohamamadpur, Dhaka – 1207
Ph: 8802-8115769 (O)
Ph: 8802-8827008 (R)
Fax: 8802-8118342

23.Ms. Niaz Zaman
Supernumerary Professor
Department of English, University of Dhaka
Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh
Ph: 8802-8832265 (R)

24.Ms. Nasrine Karim
Director General
Humayun Rasheed Choudhury Foundation
HZ12 Road, 138, Gulshan -1
Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh
Ph: 8802-8812050 (O)
Ph : 8802-8119517 (R)
Fax: 8802-8822275

25.Ms. Shaheen Anam
Executive Director
Manusher Jonno Foundation
House 10, Road 1, Block F Banani Model Town
Dhaka- 1213, Bangladesh
Ph: 8802-8854828 (O)
Ph: 8802-8850416-7

26.Ms. Mariyam Shuhana
Journalist,The Voice
H. Roshanee Hadhaan
Abada, UFAA, Magu
Male’ Maldives
Ph: +9603004626 (O)
Mobile : +960 9902646

27.Ms. Aishath Aniya
Maldivian Democratic Party
Male’ Maldives
Ph: +9603340044
Fax: -9603322960

28.Ms. Sonam Pelden
Kuenrel Corporation Limited
Tlphu, P.O Box: 204
Ph: 975-17714217 (O)
Ph: 975-321292  (R)
Fax: 975-322975
Email: spelden@kuerenril.com.bt, sonamden17@gmail.com

29.Ms. Saraswati Rai Gurung
Dupasi Kathmandu
Ph: 977-1-4386690 (O)
Ph: 977-1-4386698 (R)
Fax: 977-0-2083309

30.Ms. Benu Maya Gurung
Programme Coordinator
Ktm Nepal
Alliance Against Trafficking in women and Children in Nepal  (AATWIN)
Kathmandu, Nepal
Ph: 877-1-4240709 (O)
Ph: 877-1-4373476 (R)

31.Ms. Reejuta Sharma
Communication Officer
Asia Network for Sustainable
Agriculture and Bio Resources
P.O.Box 11035
Kathmandu, Nepal
Ph: 4474153 (O)
Ph: 5527018 (R)

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